Hey all! I’ve had some recent realizations and I wanted to share them here, in the best way I know how.
First, let’s get it out of the way that I am not, in any way, consistent (that’ll come up, recurringly).
When I first started this blog, I saw it as a business endeavor– a way to make money while traveling. Most blogs that I’ve come across have that set goal in mind and encourage others to do the same. Almost all how-to posts about blogging on the Internet include some form of “have affiliate links,” “become a guest blogger,” or “do x,y, and z for the best SEO rankings.” For a while, I felt like that was, quite simply, the way to go. One of those, “everyone else is doing it so you should too <3” type of things. I’ve tried that. I tried to be consistent in that way-learning about SEO, how to become an affiliate marketer, how many followers you need on Instagram to make x amount of money, and how many hashtags you’re supposed to put on a reel for maximum traction, among plenty of other “hacks”. It’s one of those things that I understand how to do, whether I’m putting it into practice or not.
The fact of the matter is that I’m not putting them into practice. I’m not consistent. I’m not set up as an affiliate marketer yet. I still just don’t care that much about SEO (sorry). And ultimately, there are a million and one ways to make money on the road instead of becoming a travel influencer. Most importantly, the pressure I’ve put on myself to have MiniventureMac become a successful blog has taken all the heart out of it for me.
There is so much societal pressure to succeed at everything we do. I don’t have the mental capacity to continue to put that on myself. It’s a lot. I have a full-time and a part-time job. I want to spend time with friends and family, I want to enjoy my hobbies, explore new ones, and still have time for self-care (somehow).
All that being said, I have a new goal for this blog. For myself. I’m taking the pressure away and I’m allowing myself the space to have this be simply a hobby. If it develops into something, wonderful! If not, I’ll still keep chugging along and keep it as a record of my adventures.
That being said, again, I’m not consistent, so who knows how often I’ll be popping stuff up on here. It certainly won’t be like a “New Video Every Monday!” type of vibe, that’s for damn sure. If/when I do start traveling more I’m sure I’ll be posting more, but until then, I’ll just keep doing my little Miniventures.
If you’ve read through this whole little thing, thank you. Unsure where the next year will take me, but I’m looking forwards to it.
Until next time,